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10 ships worth 3.2 billion yuan! Wuchang Shipbuilding Wins Junzheng Group's Major Chemical Ship Order

After half a month, Junzheng Group placed another big order and signed a contract for the construction of 10 chemical ships with Wuchang Shipbuilding. In addition to the 10 ships previously ordered in Jinling, Yangzhou, Junzheng Group has placed 20 orders in just two weeks, with a total amount exceeding 6.4 billion yuan, continuously consolidating its leading position as a domestic chemical ship.

On May 11th, Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy and Chemical Group Co., Ltd. announced that in order to further optimize the company's fleet structure, expand fleet size, actively build a highly economical and competitive chemical transportation fleet, and continuously enhance the company's competitiveness, its overseas wholly-owned subsidiaries SC International FZE and JZ Logistics Holding (Overseas) Co., Ltd. signed a total of 5 25900 deadweight ton chemical ship construction contracts with Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd. on May 10th.

At the same time, SC International FZE has signed a ship construction option agreement with Wuchang Shipbuilding, retaining the option to order no more than 5 ships of the same type. Including alternative orders, the total price of these 10 new ships, including taxes, does not exceed RMB 3.2 billion (this amount is a preliminary estimate, and the actual construction amount will prevail), which is equivalent to a single ship price of RMB 320 million (approximately USD 44 million).

According to the contract, these new ships will be completed and delivered gradually within 2-4 years from the date of signing the shipbuilding contract, and will be classified by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) with the Hong Kong flag.

10 ships worth 3.2 billion yuan! Wuchang Shipbuilding Wins Junzheng Group's Major Chemical Ship Order

Junzheng Group stated that this investment in building chemical ships can further optimize the company's fleet structure, expand fleet size, expand the company's market share, enhance the company's operational capabilities and market competitiveness. At the same time, it helps the company better respond to customer needs and provide higher quality transportation services. This investment project can consolidate the company's position and sustainable development ability as a liquid chemical shipping service provider, improve the company's competitiveness in the international market, and comply with the company's strategic development plan.

This is the second 25900 deadweight ton chemical tanker order from Junzheng Group in the short term. On April 26th, Junzheng Group just signed a construction contract with China Merchants Industry Yangzhou Jinling for 5+5 25900 deadweight ton chemical ships, with a total price of 3.2 billion yuan, consistent with the latest order.

It is understood that Inner Mongolia Junzheng Energy Chemical Group Co., Ltd. was founded in Wuhai City in 2003. It is a national circular economy demonstration base, one of the top 500 chemical enterprises in China, a national high-tech enterprise, and one of the 60 key enterprises in the autonomous region. As of the end of 2022, the total assets of the company were 38.845 billion yuan, covering areas such as energy, chemical, and chemical logistics.

According to official website information, Junzheng Group currently controls a fleet of 86 3000-4000 ton chemical and liquefied gas ships, with a total carrying capacity of 1.4 million deadweight tons and an annual cargo carrying capacity of over 10 million tons. Its business covers global shipping routes from China's domestic trade coast to India, the Middle East, Europe, North and South America. Its cargo includes over a hundred types of goods, including MDI/TDI, PO, phenol, MEG, BASE OIL, PALM OIL, biodiesel, etc. It is the largest liquid chemical shipowner in China and the only Chinese liquid chemical shipowner engaged in global shipping.

10 ships worth 3.2 billion yuan! Wuchang Shipbuilding Wins Junzheng Group's Major Chemical Ship Order

Junzheng Group is an old customer of Wuchang Shipbuilding. From 2021 to 2023, Wuchang Shipbuilding delivered four 7200 deadweight ton stainless steel chemical ships to Junzheng Shipping. Last March, Shanghai Junzheng Siduo and Te Shipping, a joint venture subsidiary of Junzheng Shipping, signed a contract with Wuchang Shipbuilding to build two 9200 deadweight ton stainless steel chemical ships. These two new ships had already started construction at the end of last year.

The latest order from Junzheng Group is also the second 25900 deadweight ton chemical ship construction contract undertaken by Wuchang Shipbuilding this week. On May 9th, Wuchang Shipbuilding also received an order for two 25900 deadweight ton methanol dual fuel stainless steel chemical ships from Xingtong Co., Ltd. It is expected that the new ship will be delivered and put into use by the end of March and June 2026, with a price of 307.8 million yuan per ship.

In recent years, Wuchang Shipbuilding has followed the new trend of green, low-carbon, and intelligent shipping development, fully seized market opportunities, deeply cultivated the oil chemical ship market, focused on technological innovation and process optimization, established a mature chemical ship development and construction process system, and built and delivered a series of small and medium-sized oil chemical ships for domestic and foreign customers. The oil chemical ship has gradually become one of the company's main ship types.

Excluding the latest orders, Clarkson's data shows that in the current field of chemical ship construction with a load capacity of 10000 tons and above, Wuchang Shipbuilding holds a total of 12 orders, ranking fourth in the world, only behind Yangzhou Jinling (33 ships), Wuhu Shipyard (25 ships), and Fujian Southeast Shipbuilding (12 ships).

Up to now, Wuchang Shipbuilding has 33 existing orders, including 12 chemical ships, 6 general cargo ships, 5 offshore factory ship, 4 container ships, 3 ro ro ships and 1 other ship. The delivery date is scheduled to 2027.

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